Klinicheskaya Laboratornaya Diagnostika
Scientific and practical journal
ISSN: 0869-2084 (Print)
ISSN: 2412-1320 (Online)
LLC “Publishing Group “Media Sphere”
(printed periodical);
127238, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe sh., 46 k. 2 building 2, floor 4 rooms. 12
Joint Stock Company “EKOlab”
(electronic online publication)
142530, Moscow region, Elektrogorsk, St. Budyonnogo, 1
The certificate of registration of mass media:
PI No. FS77-37760
dated October 07, 2009
EL No. FS 77-80929
dated April 21, 2021.
Publisher: Closed Joint Stock Company “EKOLab”
142530, Moscow region, Elektrogorsk, st. Budyonny, 1
Founded in 1955 (until 1992 “Laboratornoe delo”)
Frequency — 12 issues per year
Subscription to the electronic version through the site –

The journal “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics” has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name “Laboratory Business”). For many years, our journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care.
The editorial board of the journal to this day sees the main task of full and timely informing readers and through them the entire laboratory community in Russia:
about the most promising scientific directions for the development of all disciplines of laboratory medicine,
about effective means of laboratory analytics approved by evidence-based medicine and methods of clinical laboratory diagnostics,
on the experience of solving urgent problems in the practice of clinical diagnostic laboratories (training, advanced training and legal status of specialists; interaction with the clinic; standardization of laboratory processes; organization of work of employees; logistics; economics of laboratory support for medical care),
on new organizational, administrative and methodological documents of regulatory bodies, recommendations of professional societies of specialists,
about the events of professional social life.
The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners.
It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).
The journal expands the forms of publication that allow the English-speaking reader to get acquainted with the articles of Russian authors: it improves the content and quality of translation of abstracts, transliterates lists of references in articles, it is planned to publish a bilingual version of the journal.
The editorial staff of the journal will continue to improve the content and design of the journal issues, constantly achieving a high scientific level of publications, the most complete coverage of the ways and means of scientific and technological progress in laboratory medicine and satisfying readers’ interest in up-to-date professional information.
The journal is included in the List of leading scientific journals and publications SCOPUS, RSCI, RSCI, VAK in which the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of science should be published.
The journal is included in the List for the following groups of specialties:
01.04.16 Medical chemistry
01.05.04 Biochemistry
01.05.11 Microbiology
01.05.18 Mycology
03.02.07 Immunology
03.03.08 Clinical laboratory diagnostics