Научно-практический журнал Клиническая лабораторная диагностика

Rules for authors

  1. These rules were developed by Medicina Publishing House on the basis of the recommendations of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the International Initiative Group for Improving the Quality and Transparency of Medical Research EQUATOR (Enhancing the Quality and Transparencyof Health Research (EQUATOR) Network), as well as methodological recommendations prepared under the editorship of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (Updating the instructions for authors of scientific journals: Methodological materials. Translated from English, edited by A.Yu. Gasparyan, O. V. Kirillova, Translated from English by A.V. Bazhanova, St. Petersburg: North-West Institute of Management, branch of RANEPA, 2015, 48 p.)
  2. Before sending an article to the editors of the journal, please carefully read the following materials:
  • Thematic headings and the focus of the journal, set out in the section “Information about the journal”, on the journal’s website on the Internet.
    — Regulations on the principles of editorial ethics of scientific and practical journals of the Medicina Publishing House, which can be found at the link. Journals of the publishing house “Medicine” adhere to the principles of editorial ethics of The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  1. Application for submission of an article. All authors listed in the manuscript must sign and send to the editors the “Application for submission of an article for publication”, the form of which can be downloaded from the link. The application must have a visa of the heads of institutions (or departments) in which the work was carried out.
    By submitting the article, the authors confirm that they agree with the provisions and principles listed below.
  2. Definition of authorship. The authors of the article can be persons who have made a significant contribution to the work, its revision or correction, the final approval for publication, as well as those responsible for the integrity of all parts of the manuscript. Persons who performed a different role in the preparation of the article (specialists in statistics, language, technical staff, etc.) can be listed in the Acknowledgments section of the article in Russian, English, or both.
    It is necessary to indicate the contribution of the authors (Contribution) in writing the article (in Russian and English): in which of the stages of creating the article each of its authors took part: the concept and design of the study, the collection and processing of material, statistical data processing, writing the text, editing , approval of the final version of the article, responsibility for the integrity of all parts of the article.

Authors: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov
Author contributions:
Study concept and design – Ivanov, Sidorov
Collection and processing of material – Petrov
Statistical processing – Petrov
Writing the text – Sidorov
Editing – Ivanov

Family ownership is not allowed.
The number of authors of the article should be reasonable: in original articles without restrictions, in reviews 3-4 authors, in descriptions of individual clinical cases 2-3 authors.
Authors are required to provide links to their profile at http://orcid.org. (profile must be completed in full in English, including links to publications)
More information about authorship can be found on the website of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors at the link.

  1. Conflict of interest. The authors undertake to disclose any existing or potential conflicts of interest. Any situation that can affect the author of the manuscript and lead to concealment, distortion of data, or change their interpretation can be considered a conflict of interest. The presence of a conflict of interest among one or more authors is not a reason for refusing to publish an article. The concealment of potential and obvious conflicts of interest on the part of the authors revealed by the editors may be the reason for refusal to consider and publish the manuscript.
    A form for identifying potential conflicts of interest is contained in the Application for Submission of an Article for Publication. Information about conflicts of interest or their absence should be given in the article in the section “Conflict of Interest” in Russian and English. If there is no conflict of interest, you must specify: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
    More information about the definition of conflicts of interest can be found in the Regulations on the principles of editorial ethics of scientific and practical journals of the Medicine Publishing House.
  2. Plagiarism and secondary publications. It is unacceptable to use unscrupulous textual borrowing and appropriation of research results that do not belong to the authors of the submitted manuscript.
    You can check an article for originality using the services https://www.antiplagiat.ru/ (for Russian-language texts) and http://www.plagiarism.org/ (for English-language texts). The editors reserve the right to check the received manuscripts for plagiarism. Textual similarity of more than 20% is considered unacceptable.
    Works published in other publications or sent to other publications cannot be sent to the editorial office.
  1. Copyright. By submitting the article and accompanying files (hereinafter referred to as the “Work”) for publication in the journal, the author (as well as all the authors of this work, if it was created in co-authorship) agrees that it provides OJSC “Medicina Publishing House” with the exclusive and perpetual right to use the work on a gratuitous basis (exclusive, perpetual and gratuitous license) on the territory of Russia and foreign countries within the following limits and scope:
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  • translation or other processing of the work.
  • bringing the work to the public in such a way that any person can access the work from any place and at any time of his own choice (bringing to the public);
    -placement of a work or its parts in various collections of similar works;
  • granting the rights provided for by this article, in full or in part, to third parties (individuals and legal entities), both on a paid and free basis.
    Author’s copies are not provided; the journal can be obtained only by subscribing to the paper or electronic version of the publication.
  1. Gratitude / Acknowledgments. If the research and / or preparation of the article had financial support, then the source of funding must be indicated. If there was no financial support, you need to indicate its absence. This information should be provided in Russian and English after the text of the article in the Acknowledgments/Acknowledgments section.
    If the authors used the services of editorial/brokerage agencies, they should be thanked for their ethical participation in the same section. See paragraph 9 of the Declaration of Sarajevo https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5209927/pdf/CroatMedJ_57_0527.pdf.
  2. Editing. The editors reserve the right to shorten and edit submitted articles. The date of receipt of the article is the time of receipt of the final (revised) version of the article if it is finalized by the authors after reviewing.
  1. Sending manuscripts. Manuscripts, as well as accompanying documents, can be submitted to the editorial office in one of the following ways:
  • by e-mail to the address indicated on the journal’s website on the Internet (The text of the article is submitted in Microsoft Word format, and accompanying documents with original signatures are attached to the letter in PDF format);
    — by regular mail (1 copy of the printout of the manuscript with the obligatory attachment of the electronic version (in Microsoft Word format) on a CD, as well as the originals of all necessary accompanying documents).
  1. Accompanying documents. Accompanying documents include:
    – application for submission of an article for publication (Application for submission of an article);
    — a copy of the conclusion of the ethical committee regarding the study (if necessary);
    – the conclusion of the official translation agency on the compliance of the English and Russian texts for authors who want to publish the full text of the article in both Russian and English;
  • control sheet (Control sheet).
  1. Requirements for manuscripts submitted to the journal.

12.1 Spelling and grammar. The manuscript must be checked for spelling and grammar. The article should be typed in Times New Roman or Arial, font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, all margins except the left margin 2 cm wide, left margin 3 cm. All pages must be numbered. Automatic word wrap cannot be used.
The entire text part of the article should be written in 1 file (title page, summary, keywords, text of the article, tables, list of cited literature, information about the authors); the file with the text of the article should be named after the name of the first author of the article (Ivanov. Text). Figures and scans of documents are recorded in separate files, also containing the name of the first author (Ivanov. Figure).
The volume of articles should not exceed 18 pages (including illustrations, tables, summaries and references), reviews and informational messages – 3 pages.

12.2 Language of the article. Manuscripts from any country in Russian and/or English are accepted for publication in the journal. If the article is written in Russian, then the translation of the article metadata into English is obligatory (full name of the authors, official name in English of the authors’ institutions, addresses, title of the article, summary of the article, keywords, information for contacting the responsible by the author, as well as a list of references (References) – see below).
If desired, the authors can provide the full text of the article, both in Russian and in English. Accompanying the translation by the conclusion of any official translation agency on the conformity of the English and Russian texts is mandatory. If there are full texts of articles in two languages, the Russian text is published in the printed version of the journal, and both versions are published in the electronic version.
If the authors did not provide the metadata of the article in English or the translation is of poor quality, then the editors resort to the services of a translator on their own (the right to choose a translator remains with the editors). Poor quality translations of full texts are not edited or published.
“Medicina Publishing House and the editorial board of the journal are not responsible for the quality of the translation, but control the accuracy of the information provided by the authors in the original language.
Articles of foreign authors in English can be published by decision of the editor-in-chief of the journal without translation into Russian (except for the title, summary and key words) or with full or partial translation (titles and captions for figures, tables).

12.3 Title page. The title page must begin with the following information:
1) surname, initials of the authors,
2) the title of the article (to increase citation, it is recommended not to give geographical indications in the title of the article),

If there are several authors, each surname and corresponding institution has a digital index. If all the authors of the article work in the same institution, it is not necessary to indicate the place of work of each author separately, it is enough to indicate the institution once. If the author has several places of work, each is indicated by a separate digital index.
Title page template:
Rakhmanin Yu.A. 1, Zykova I.E. 1, Fedichkina T.P. 1, Solenova L.G. 2
1FGBU “Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. A.N. Sysina”
Ministry of Health of Russia, 119121, Moscow, Russia;
2FGBU “Russian Cancer Research Center named after N.N. N.N. Blokhin of the Ministry of Health of Russia”, 115211, Moscow, Russia
For correspondence: Solenova Liya Gennadievna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher, Department of Chemical Carcinogenesis, Research Institute of Carcinogenesis, Russian Cancer Research Center named after N.N. N.N. Blokhin RAS, E-mail: lsolenova@mail.ru
For correspondence: Liya G. Solenova, Dr. sci. Biol., lead researcher of the department of chemical carcinogenesis “N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, E-mail: lsolenova@mail.ru
Information about authors:
Bunyatyan A.A., http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5845-588X
Vyzhigina M.A., http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6024-0191
Nikoda V.V. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9605-254X

12.4 Plan for the construction of original articles. The structure of the original articles must comply with the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion) format. The plan for constructing original articles should be as follows: summary and keywords in Russian, summary and keywords in English, introduction; material and methods; results; discussion; conclusions on points or a conclusion at the request of the authors, information on financial support for the work, grants, thanks; indication of a conflict of interest; list of cited literature, figure captions if there are figures.
The introduction provides a brief overview of relevant data, a critical assessment of the literature relevant to the problem under consideration, justification of the novelty and significance of the study on a global level (not only in terms of a given city or country), identifies outstanding issues and sets clearly formulated goals and objectives that explain further study. Each keyword of the article should be reflected in the introduction. It is recommended to avoid lengthy analyzes and long historical excursuses.
The section “Material and Methods” should contain: where and when the study was conducted; inclusion and exclusion criteria for patients, experimental animals…; description of the research method (cohort, prospective, randomized drug trial, retrospective, series of observations); a detailed description of a new drug, method, modification, experiment, surgical intervention in a certain sequence; a brief description of the protocol (Standard Operating Protocol – SOP).
It is strongly recommended to follow the Consolidated Standards ofReportingTrials, which can be found at http://www.consort-statement.org/
Methods published earlier should be accompanied by references: the author describes only changes related to the topic.
In the papers presenting the results of scientific research, modern methods of statistical data processing should be used, which must be described in the section of the article “Material and Methods”.
Mandatory in statistical analysis: calculation of sample size based on statistical power; determination of the normality of distribution according to Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Shapiro-Wilk; detailed presentation of logistic or linear regression analysis models (determinants and covariants); statistical package and version.
The presentation of the results and discussion in one section is not allowed.
Results should be clear and concise. Data should be reported in absolute numbers and as percentages, with a 95% confidence interval (95 CI%) and a p-value. Error bars are required at all points of experimental and calculated data, with an explanation in the text of how these errors were established.
The Discussion gives a convincing explanation of the results and shows their significance. In the case of computational studies, the results obtained should be compared with information from published experimental work, if possible.

12.5 Making reviews. A review article should be identified by the authors as (literature review) after the title of the article. It is desirable that the preparation of reviews follows international recommendations on systematic literature search methods and standards. Abstracts of review articles should contain information on methods for searching literature in the Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Global Health, CyberLeninka, RSCI and others databases. Review articles should include the word “review” in the keywords.
The title of the systematic review should include the words “systematic review”. Detailed information on how to write reviews can be found in the PRISMA Guide (Recommended Items for Reporting for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis), available here.

12.6 Registration of the description of clinical observations. Clinical observations issued in accordance with CARE recommendations have priority. CARE recommendations can be found at http://care—statement.org

12.7 Standards. All terms and definitions must be scientifically reliable, their spelling (both Russian and Latin) must comply with the “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms” (2001, 2nd edition, edited by V.I. Pokrovsky, ed. “Medicine” , http://www.twirpx.com/file/123175/). Medicinal products should be given only in international generic names, which are used first, then, if necessary, several trade names of drugs registered in Russia (in accordance with the Klifar-Gosreestr information retrieval system [State Register of Medicines]) are given.
Enzyme spellings should preferably follow the Enzyme Nomenclature (http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/iubmb/enzyme/)
It is desirable that inherited or familial diseases comply with the international classification of inherited conditions in humans (“Mendelian Inheritance in Man” [http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Omim]).
The names of microorganisms must be verified in accordance with the publication “Medical Microbiology” (edited by V.I. Pokrovsky http://www.webmedinfo.ru/medicinskaya-mikrobiologiya-pozdeev-o-k-pokrovskij-v-i.html). The spelling of full names mentioned in the text must correspond to the list of references.

12.8 Author’s abstracts. The author’s abstract for the article is the main source of information in domestic and foreign information systems and databases that index the journal. The summary should state only the essential facts of the work, not contain general words. For original articles, the summary structure is required, repeating the structure of the article and including the introduction, material and methods, results, and conclusion. However: the subject, theme, purpose of the work are indicated if they are not clear from the title of the article; it is advisable to describe the method or methodology of the work if they are new or are of interest from the point of view of this work. The abstract should begin with the information contained on the title page. The volume of the text of the author’s summary should be strictly from 200 to 250 words.
The summary should be accompanied by several key words or phrases that reflect the main topic of the article and facilitate the classification of work in computer search engines. Keywords are listed separated by semicolons. A dot is placed at the end of the listing.
Abstracts and keywords should be submitted both in Russian and in English. Key words in English must be taken from the organized Medline dictionary (MeSH, EMtree…). When translating the names of the authors, it is recommended to transliterate in the same way as in previous publications or according to the BGN (Board of Geographic Names) system, see the site http://www.translit.ru. English-speaking authors are indicated in the John Y. Smith format. For the organization(s), it is important that the official English version of the name be given.

12.9 Requirements for drawings. General issues. Each image is submitted as a separate file. Files with graphic images must have logical names (Ivanov. Figure 1).
Image captions should be grouped and given separately.
A single system of lettering and image scaling should be used.
Images should be consecutively numbered in the text.
Maximum drawing size: width 180 mm, height 230 mm.
Fonts to be used in the image: Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, Symbol or similar fonts.

12.10 Captions for figures and photographs. Captions for drawings and photographs. Captions for figures and photographs are grouped together and given after the information for the RSCI. Each figure should have a general title and a description of all abbreviations. The captions to the graphs indicate the notation along the abscissa and ordinate axes and units of measurement, and explanations for each curve. The captions for microphotographs indicate the staining method and magnification.

12.11 Design of tables. From the top right, you must indicate the number of the table (if there are more than one table), below is its name. Abbreviations of words in tables are not allowed. All numbers in the tables must match the numbers in the text. Tables can be given in the text without taking them out on separate pages.

12.12 Mathematical formulas. Mathematical equations should be presented as editable text, not as images. Variables should be indicated in italics. The equations should be numbered in order.

12.13 Bibliographic lists. In the journals of the Medicine Publishing House, the Vancouver citation style is used (in the list of references, references are numbered not alphabetically, but as they are mentioned in the text, regardless of the language in which the work is given).
In original articles, it is desirable to cite no more than 40 sources, in literature reviews – no more than 60, in lectures and other materials – no more than 15. The minimum number of sources in the list of references is 30. Bibliographic references in the text of the article are indicated by numbers in square brackets.
It is necessary to make sure that all references given in the text are present in the bibliography (and vice versa).
The bibliography should contain, in addition to the fundamental works, publications over the past 5 years, primarily articles from journals, links to highly cited sources, including those from Scopus and Web of Science. Links must be verifiable.
Each scientific fact must be accompanied by a separate reference to the source. If several scientific facts are mentioned in one sentence, a link is placed after each of them (not at the end of the sentence). With multiple references, they are given in chronological order [5-9].
The titles of the journals in abbreviated form should be given in accordance with the List of Title Word Abbreviations (list of title abbreviations):


Links to Internet sources should be reliable and durable. At a minimum, you should give the full URL and the date the link became available. Any other additional information, if known, should also be given: DOI, authors’ names, dates, references to publication sources, etc.
You should not refer to unpublished, retracted (retracted from the press) articles. Self-citation is not allowed, except when necessary (no more than 3-5 references in a literature review).
You should not refer to dissertations, as well as abstracts of dissertations, it is more correct to refer to articles published on materials of dissertation research.
Documents (Orders, GOSTs, Medical and Sanitary Rules, Guidelines, Regulations, Decrees, Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules, Regulations, Federal Laws) must be indicated not in the lists of references, but as footnotes in the text.
Bibliographic description of the book (after its title): city (where it was published); after the colon, the name of the publisher; after the semicolon, the year of publication. If the reference is given to a book chapter: (authors); chapter title; after the dot, put “In the book:” or “In:” and the surname (s) of the author (s) or editor (s), then the title of the book and imprint.
Bibliographic description of the article from the journal: author(s); article title; name of the journal; year; volume, in parentheses the number of the journal, after the colon the numbers of the first and last pages. With a group of authors up to 6 people inclusive, everyone is mentioned, with large groups of authors, 6 first authors “et al.”, in foreign ones “et al.”); if editors are mentioned, after the name of I.O., after a comma, one should put “ed.”, in foreign “ed.”
Taking into account the requirements of international citation systems, bibliographic lists are included in the English-language block of the article and, accordingly, should be given not only in the original language, but also in Latin (Romance alphabet). Therefore, the authors of articles should provide a list of references in two versions: one in the original language (Russian-language sources in Cyrillic, English-language Latin), and a separate block of the same references (References) in the Roman alphabet for international databases, repeating all sources of literature in it, regardless whether there are foreign ones among them.
When referring to translated sources in References, you must refer to the original.
If the list contains references to foreign publications, they are completely repeated in the list prepared in the Roman alphabet. Authors’ surnames and Russian-language names of sources are transliterated. The titles of articles, monographs, collections of articles, conferences are translated into English, indicating after the output data, which are given in numbers, its language (in Russian). The name of the source is in italics.
The list of references in Latin can be prepared using free access transliteration systems (http://www.translit.ru) and Google translator. Manual transliteration is not allowed in order to avoid errors. Since various variants of surname transliteration are possible, when preparing links to articles published in the journals of the Medicina publishing house, it is recommended to use data from the sites www.medlit.ru or www.elibrary.ru.

12.14 Technology for preparing references using an automatic transliteration system and a translator.
On the site http://www.translit.ru you can use the program for transliterating Russian text into Latin.
1) We enter the Translit.ru program. In the “options” window, select the transliteration system BGN (Board of Geographic Names). We insert into a special field the entire text of the bibliography, except for the title of the book or article, in Russian and press the button “to transliteration”.
2) Copy the transliterated text into the upcoming list of References.
3) We translate the title of an article, monograph, collection, conference, etc. using Google translator. into English, we transfer it to the forthcoming list. The translation certainly needs editing.
4) We combine descriptions in transliteration and translation, drawing up in accordance with accepted rules. At the same time, it is necessary to disclose the place of publication (for example, Moscow) and, possibly, make minor technical amendments.
5) At the end of the link in parentheses is indicated (in Russian). Link is ready.
Examples of transliteration of Russian-language literature sources for the English-language block of the article:
Description of the Russian version of the article from the journal:
Krasovskiy G.N., Yegorova N.A., Bykov I.I. Methodology of harmonizing hygienic standards for water substances, and its application to improving sanitary water legislation. Vestnik RAMN. 2006; 4:32-6. (inRussian)
Description of the Russian-language book (monograph, collection):
Pokrovskiy V.M., Korotko G.F., eds. human physiology. [Fiziologiya Cheloveka]. 3rd ed. Moscow: Meditsina; 2013. (in Russian)
Description of conference materials:
Sukhareva O.Yu., Galitsina N.A., Shestakova M.V. Retrospective evaluation of the factors that predict the development of type 2 diabetes in people with impaired glucose tolerance. Fifth All-Russian Congress of Diabetes. [Pyatyy Vserossiyskiy diabetologicheskiy congress]. Moscow; 2010: 123. (in Russian)
Description of the Internet resource:
APA Style (2011). Available at: http://www.apastyle.org/apa-style-help.aspx (accessed 5 February 2011).
Description of the patent:
Palkin M.V. The Way to Orient on the Roll of Aircraft with Optical Homing Head. Patent RF N 2280590,; 2006. (in Russian)
Examples of registration of references to literature for the Russian-language part of the article
Journal articles:
Verkina L.M., Telesmanich N.R., Mishin D.V., Botikov A.G., Lomov Yu.M., Deryabin P.G. Designing a polymer preparation for the serological diagnosis of hepatitis C. Problems of virology. 2012; 1:45-8.
Chuchalin A.G. Influenza: lessons from the pandemic (clinical aspects). Pulmonology. 2010; App. 1:3-8.
Aiuti A., Cattaneo F., Galimberti S., Benninghoff U., Cassani B., Callegaro L. et al. Gene therapy for immunodeficiency due to adenosine deaminase deficiency. N. Engl. J. Med. 2009; 360(5): 447-58.
Glauser T.A. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology. 2002; 58(12, Suppl. 7): S6-12.
Coudray-Meunier C., Fraisse A., Mokhtari C., Martin-Latil S., Roque-Afonso A-M., Perelle S. Hepatitis A virus subgenotyping based on RT-qPCR assays. BMC Microbiology. 2014; 14:296. Doi: 10.1186/s12866-014-0296-1.
Medic V.A. Morbidity of the population: history, current state and methodology of study. M.: Medicine; 2003.

Vorobyov A.I., red. Guide to hematology. 3rd ed. Moscow: Newdiamed; 2005; v.3.
Radzinsky V. E., red. Perioneology: Textbook. M.: RUDN University; 2008. 78 p.
Beck S., Klobes F., Scherrer C., eds. Surviving globalization? Perspective for the German Economic Model. Berlin: Springer; 2005.
Michelson A.D., ed. platelets. 2nd Ed. San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press; 2007.
Chapters in the book:
Ivanova A.E. Trends and causes of death of the Russian population. In: Osipov V.G., Rybakovsky L.L., ed. Demographic development of Russia in the XXI century. Moscow: Ekon-Inform; 2009: 110-31.
Silver R.M., Peltier M.R., Branch D.W. The immunology of pregnancy. In: Creasey R.K., Resnik R., eds. Maternal-fetal Medicine: Principles and Practices. 5th Ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2004: 89-109.
Materials of scientific conferences:
Topical issues of hematology and transfusiology: Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference. St. Petersburg, July 8, 2009 St. Petersburg; 2009.
Salov I.A., Marinushkin D.N. Obstetric tactics in intrauterine fetal death. In the book: Materials of the IV Russian Forum “Mother and Child”. M.; 2000; part 1: 516-9.
Harnden P., Joffe J.K., Jones W.G., eds. Germ Cell Tumors V: Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumor Conference. 2001, Sept. 13-15; Leeds; UK. New York: Springer; 2001.
Electronic sources:
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations No. 66/288. The future we want. July 27, 2012. Available at: http://www.uncsd2012.org/thefuturewewant.html; http://daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N11/476/12/PDF/N1147612.pdf?OpenElement
Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am. J Nurs. 2002; 102(6). Available at: http:/www.psvedu.ru/journal/2011/4/2560.phtml. 10
Link building software. Currently, there are a number of services for generating links. Below are some examples of such services:
— https://www.mendeley.com/
— http://endnote.com/
The author is responsible for the correctness of the bibliographic data.

  1. Additional materials. The editors of the journal accept from the authors of the articles any video and audio materials designed to help readers more fully disclose and understand the scientific research. These can be short presentations in the style of a webinar, a video recording of an experiment or a medical manipulation. Additional materials can be placed in the electronic version of the journal.
  2. Information for the RSCI. After the list of references, additional information about each author is indicated, which is necessary for processing the journal in the Russian Science Citation Index: Full name. completely in Russian and in transliteration, academic degree, academic title, position, organization name, postal code, city, country, e-mail for contacts with the authors of the article (one e-mail for all authors is allowed).
  3. Appeal. Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles
  4. Withdrawal of articles. Withdrawal of an already published article is a last resort and is used in case of disclosure of facts that were not known during the review:
    — detection of facts of violation of the law and defamation;
    — detection of false or inaccurate data, especially those whose use may create a risk to health;
    — more than 20% of borrowings.
  5. A detailed statement of the points of the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”, developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, in particular ethical issues, can be found at www.ICMJE.org.