Goals and objectives
The journal is a scientific and practical publication and combines the publication of materials on the latest and most promising methods of laboratory analytics and diagnostics, developed and tested by Russian specialists, with up-to-date data from the practice of clinical diagnostic laboratories of medical organizations.
The subjects of the articles published in the journal cover the entire spectrum of laboratory medicine disciplines, which correspond to the headings: “Biochemistry”, “Hematology”, “Immunology”, “Coagulology”, “Cytology”, “Microbiology”, “Parasitology”, “Molecular Biology”, ” Research at the place of treatment. The materials published in these sections are based on
application of the basic principles and technologies of the relevant disciplines to solve scientific and applied problems of clinical laboratory diagnostics. The name of the journal and the main content of its publications correspond to the scientific specialty “clinical laboratory diagnostics”. The journal is included in the list of periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for the publication of dissertation materials for the degree of candidate and doctor of science.
For a number of years, the journal has been represented in international information and reference publications: Index Medicus, Analytical Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Index to Dental Literature, INIS Atomindex (International Nuclear Information Index), Nutrition Abstracts, Ulrich`s International Periodicals Directory, Currently, the journal is also represented in the international database Scopus.
According to the Russian Science Citation Index for 2012, the journal, based on its bibliometric indicators, ranks 17th among 323 Russian periodicals in the field of Medicine and Healthcare and 240th among 2898 Russian publications in all branches of science.
Along with the concern for ensuring a high scientific level of the main publications, the journal, being a mass media, strives to best meet the interests of both employees of scientific institutions of laboratory medicine and doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics working in clinical diagnostic laboratories in different regions of the country. To do this, the journal publishes materials of practical interest to employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories: “Correspondence Academy of Postgraduate
education”, “Organization of laboratory service”, “Laboratory equipment”, “Library
clinical laboratory”, “Laboratory medicine abroad”, “Official documents”.
The practice of distributing to subscribers along with the next issues of the journal printed
or e-books on various aspects of clinical laboratory diagnostics.
At present, we plan to provide timely coverage of the activities of the working groups of the newly created profile commission for clinical laboratory diagnostics under the Ministry of Health of Russia. The editorial board appeals to all employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories with a proposal to actively address their questions on the work of the profile commission, to which they are supposed to publish the answers of the leaders of the working groups, and, if necessary, the chief (freelance) specialist of the Ministry of Health of Russia in clinical laboratory diagnostics prof. T. V. Vavilova.
The journal is a reflection of the thoughts and deeds, concerns and aspirations of laboratory medicine specialists in our country. The editorial board, striving to ensure the most complete fulfillment of this mission of the journal, counts on constant close contact with all colleagues and on their comradely support.